Thursday 29 March 2012

thoughtful thursday

It is all too easy to get lost in thing, big things like woods or little things like thoughts. Though how big a thought really is, is debatable in its own right I think. Well do that one another day.

Right now, I am sat in a typical living room for a family with small children. Its a little messy, this mornings tea cup is still on the coffetable, pillows are strewn around the floor ( Lily seems to deem her toys boring now and cushions are the the thing du jour). Said Lily is napping in her cot, Maia is at nursery and Mark still hasnt come home for his lunch. Prime time to get cracking, make the house sparkle and shine and earn a gold star or two in the Housewife league.  But whatever.

I am sat instead, getting lost in thoughts and daydreams (I havent even made myself a cuppa!?). I'm planning and scheming for what I want to do when we move upstairs to the flat above us now,how to decorate. Dreaming of the sumptious, feminine and undeniably pretty new pillows I want to buy for the sofa (alt sew my own if I can find the fabric). The new candle sticks, fancy bowls for lördags godis, new shelving and wall decorations for the kitchen diner. Rugs, photoframes, wooden letters, plants...the list goes on. Its quite boring really. Unless your me. I want to create a cosy, inviting and fun feeling in our home. Somewhere where our friends like to come because they can chill out too, eat some nice cake and enjoy some tea or coffee.

To sum me up at the moment, I want rustic, romantik and scandinavian vintage chic. Got these images from google, just to kinda give u the feel of what I mean. Though not the most rustic of kinds, but I couldnt find a pic that felt right. Sometimes, I think a picture is about the feeling you get when you see it, not just how its composed and what its showing off. Not just pleasing to the eye, but also the soul. Deep, huh!?
Anyways, best be getting on with things. A quick spruce up before I go and get Maia is a must. Else it will all feel terribly, terribly like a lot of hardwork later ;)

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