Thursday 1 March 2012

6 months

Today, our dear Lilypops is a whole half a year old. Incredible how much love this little person can bring, how she's made our family complete and how flippin cute she is!

Lily now eats proper food, sleeps well at night, and is on the move! A cheeky knee keeps finding itself half raised when she's having tummy time, she rolls around and around and around and around, and zooms around and bounces in the walker in fits of squeals and giggles. Being in the walker is perfect for the curtain pulling that seems to be the skill du jour.

 Its better than I imagined, having two scrummy, yummy, funny little girls. I cant imagine what our family dynamic would be if we had one of each lol. Now shoot me down in flames, but I'm guilty of dressing them the same (well its only 1 top that they both have  the same lol) and I try to co-ordinate outfits, so they look well put together and cute. Its also very practical to have them wear the same colours at the same time; makes for washing to be organised, apparently. Never seem to quite get ontop of it tho, but hey ho ;)

Seeing my children blossoming into these delicious little people is a feeling hard to put into words, but something that every parent will be able to relate to. I look forward to the days - although I am sure I will come to curse them - when we can have proper conversations, gain a better insight into the wonderful way that they see the world and the people around them. We have only been here about 18months, but we have truly been lucky to have met so many incredible people, for which we are all very grateful for. It makes it easier when we miss and wish for the chance of a quick cuppa with you bestest people back in the UK. There will be one heck of a tea party when we see you at Christmas!

Anyhoo, I shall leave you with a pic of Lily from today, lookin rather Spring-y in her Marks&Sparks gear from GeeGee <3

1 comment:

  1. Så mysig updatering, 6 månader är en av de roligaste åldrarna tycker jag :)


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