Saturday 21 April 2012

the weekend starts here!

I would very much like it if I was able to tell you that the two pictures above represent the week that has been. A housemove, baby with seperation anxiety and a very active but under stimulated toddler does not make for a serene , sunny & blissful environment. No. Dear god no. But, we have come out the other side and we are now fit to fight! And you'd never guess what...we actually got a WHOLE nights sleep from BOTH the girls. Beejeezaz that has been a long 3months since last haha. Ho hum, just gotta hope and keep all bodily parts crossed that tonight is the same. What does one have if one was to give up hope ? ;)

So yea, THESE two images capture the week perfectly lol.
The rest of today and hopefully not too much of tomorrow we are unpacking the last 4 boxes and getting organised so we can start to really enjoy our new-but-near-identical new flat. Once we get our Xtreamer/Etrayz (cant remember which the photos are on) to work to allow me access to older photos I will do you a photo update of before,during and after the renovations in our new abode. Mark has even fashioned up a picture or two on Paint to guide you around...intriguing huh!

Hmm...what to write now? Im just time wasting now really, I am having abit of me-time cocooned in OUR bedroom.  Mark had such a nice long lie in, not getting up until I started making LUNCH for the girls, makes me not quite ready to let go of the peace hihi. I've too good (or ought that be bad) conscience that does now allow me to sit here once I have checked me bits & pieces and then re-emerge like I promised. Sigh. Oh well. Best get to it, our lovelies are in a rather pleasant mood today, and I have actually very much enjoyed having them to myself this morning (in contrast to how miserable they have been all week, but then moving house isnt easy for them either!)

Have a nice weekend! Catch u all abit later

1 comment:

  1. oh dear at the crying photos! glad the move went ok and hopefully you managed to get the last boxes unpacked x


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