Friday 18 November 2011

a new start

Well Hello there!

Whatcha think of the fancy new blog lol? Was a bit peeved, that on the other site, I had to pay £50 annually if I wanted to be able to have anything a bit more , its free! woop woop =)

Now I dont know about you, but I seem to get these phases where I want to make over everything-the house, myself, the wardrobe. the world...y'know, go into politics or something,  maybe try and make a REAL difference to something?

Ultimately, I never quite seem to have the motivation or drive to do anything about something. It's a bit of a bummer really.

Take my wardrobe. It is filled to bursting, mostly by things that I hardly ever wear. But you know, they are the good old comfort go-to's when all else fails. Which, suprisingly, doesn't happen so often any more, so therefore they are a waste of space. It seems I have grown more into a particular style rather than having lots of different ones like I used to, which depended on my ever fleeting mood. I cant remember the last time I wore a pair of jeans and a standard length top.

Hmmm I think the only solution is a ruthless clear out session. And on the brightside of that, when I have gotten rid of the last 8kgs of babyweight I can go shopping for new things. So I best get saving my pennies .
To be honest, a total clear out of junk is in order too. There are two rather large cupboards where everything that didn't fit anywhere else, ended up when we moved in 15 months ago.

So there you have two things on my to do list. Another, is making christmas decorations. Its the First of Advent next sunday, and I had hoped to be atleast half way done. So far, 2 down -15 to go...optimistic much? and they arent even for our tree, haha.

I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. Our first as a family of four <3
Perhaps we are rather spoiled at Christmas, as we have always had two lots of chritmases,; the swedish one and the english one. Twice the yummy scrummy food, but sadly not, twice the amount of pressies ;)  After a quieter christmas last year, with just me, Mark, Maia & mum, dad and Alex, its going to be super nice to have Michelle & Frederik and Nana here too. And Lily of course! The same gathering as what we had for Maia's first christmas =) Hopefully next year we will be back in the Uk to celebrate with all our nieces (and ofcourse their mummies and daddies ) We definately miss you all more this time of year!


  1. Oh, your new blog is beautiful! Welcome to blogspot =) xx

  2. lol ta muchly =) tis much nicer than t'other one eh xx


What do you guys think?