Wednesday 23 November 2011


Happy Hump-day! Wednesday's are the best as you are on top of the weeks curve and its now an easy ride down until the weekend- wooohooo!

I am feeling rather proud of myself, I have done the majority of the housework and I still have time to enjoy a cuppa before Lily wakes up. Hopefully I wont have jinxed that now...

It feels like I am slowly but surely getting the hang of Lily's routine, or lack thereof. Funnily, she seems to follow a somewhat irratic pattern, over a number of days. I am 99.99% sure that is because she is so unsettled during the day, but I am delighted that she is acutally improving! ?Yesterday was an excellent day, with no prolonged spells of upset, and just the normal stuff; crying for food, wet nappy , tired. Yessss! Did I feel like  kick-ass mum or what!? 

Really, the whole day was rather successfull. Out of the house for a walk at 8am, when Lily fell asleep until 11.10am. Quick trip to the shops to buy more formula and then to Camilla's to meet her and sweet Helena to go to the park, where we stayed for almost 1.5 hours- now if we'd only been smart and brought some fika with us, we probably would have stayed there much longer =)

We went and had lunch with grandad and uncle Alex and Skyedog, which is always nice, and then when we got back home I cooked dinner, tidied up and waited for dear hubster to get home so I could go out for my date with Mr Cullen et al <3 Go Team Edward Go! I'm sure I dont need to tell you how awesome the film was. You all know it is!

On monday we had another trip to the hospital to check up on Maia's knee. It's now 7 weeks since she hurt herself and her knee is just as swollen  and the limp is still there... =(  Now they want us to do a soft tissue Xray and possible MRI to see if there is anything that they missed with the original Xrays and Ultrasounds they did. We also spoke to the Rheumatic Dr...Maia's bloodtest for Juvenile Arthritis are good, meaning she doesnt have it. Huge relief. But atleast that would have given us some answers. I am so pleased though, that we have such a fantastic doctor who really really wantt get to the bottom of this. And the fact that Maia likes her makes things soooo much easier lol =)

<3 kim

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