Tis incredible, the passing of time. Doesn't seem five minutes ago that I was getting out of bed and it is now 13.06pm. I could go all cliched and add to it that Lily has now reached the tender age of 5months and has had some porridge yesterday and today. But I wont. I shall just share with you a picture instead.
This week we've been pretty busy doing I dont quite know what. I cant tell you how domesticated we've been baking together. Or, that we have played Cinderella and cleaned the house to a dazzling level, or even been out playing with friends or hanging out at baby groups/coffee shops. Because we just havent. We have just been.
I actually went back to work on wednesday, and it was fun! The first hour I had a big knot in my stomach, wishing I was with Lily, chillin' out and waiting to go pick Maia up from nursery. But once I got my hands on my first client again, that was it. Bye-bye Mamma-Kim, Hello Kimberley. Hello ME.
Its quite funny really, I am using Kimberley as my ''professional name'' lol. Sounds seedy, but its simply a case of Kimberley being more exciting than Kim. Kim is unisex in scandinavia, and more common with guys. Yea, not very appealing eh. People remember Kimberley, and my dears, I am building a brand you see. Its all about reputation isnt it. And standing out from the crowd makes you more memorable. So they say.
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