Monday, 13 February 2012

sunny sunday-on a monday!

The best thing about having moved to Sweden, is the new attitude to the outdoors. Its something that has laid dormant for many years, ready to now be embraced and abused to the full. You know, a regular part of Maia's nursery life includes trips out to the forests to bbq sausages, trips to the sledging hill and outings to the beach. Its an appreciation that is ingrained from early on in life, and when swedes talk about nature, they talk about The Nature. Its a thing, a living  being, not just the surroundings. For example, as a comparison, its like in english 'house' isnt just 'house' , its THE house. Blah, rubbish example, but I hope you see what Im tryin to get at :)

Yesterday I didn't just jump on the crosstrainer and then write the day off. Nay, that was at the end of the day which is probably why I sucked so bad hahaha. Prior to that, we had a pleasant so called discussion (read me overreacting and throwing hissy fit ) over the sad state of our sofa that has washable covers that cant be washed unless you want them to shrink. So a perfect way to clear the air was to don several layers of clothes and head out in the stunning sunshine and hot trot it to afore-mentioned beach. Luxurious having it 7mins down the road!  Not to wish my life away, but please Spring, can you hurry up and melt the snow? Its been fun, its very pretty, and I even dare drive on it now, but I'd much like to have picnics and feel the grass between my toes. Thank you.

thanx google!

1 comment:

  1. ja du har så rätt! alla mår bättre av att "ge upp" när amningen inte fungerar. dagens ersättning är så bra ändå.
    jag gjorde så precis. märkte att han inte blev mätt av amningen så då fick han 60ml ersättning (han äter mellan 110 - 120ml vid en hel måltid) och blev då nöjd. så jag kommer öka och minska ersättning efter vad liam behöver. viktigast är ju att han får i sig rätt mängd mat. man märker när han är hungrig.


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