Tuesday 7 August 2012

current projects

There are a few things on the go at the Wilsons at the minute. Now that the dining chairs have been painted, along with the smaller mirror in our bedroom, and cushion covers done, I am finding time for some smaller, quicker things to do. Instant gratification me like! Back in the spring I found a black square framed japanese character picture at a loppis, and have now begun transforming it. The paint is still drying on the frame, but I think you may get the jist of what is going in it. Thrifty me using the left overs from the fabric for my cushion. Pictures to come with the end result =)

Next we have a fix me upper jobby- The silly drop down thing (cant think of the swedish or english word?!) broke a few weeks ago and landed right on top of Maia, so I have sewn a pretty blind (?) to cover the horrid messy hole. Eugh. I dont like seeing chaos that is normally hidden haha. Unfortuantely I was a bit of dope all day and haven't yet taken a picture of it finished so I will get a pic up of that tomorrow too when the frame is all done. Yet again, I have used left over material, But it just goes so well with how the chest of drawers is already painted ;) Note the glimt of a newly painted mirror too. Much more pleasing to the eye that how it was before, which was similar to the basket you can see.

 A bunch of wrapping paper makes for the next project. Indeedy. Things that have a multi purpose
always go down well haha. As a certain miss L is turning 1 in just 25 days, these delicious wrapping papers will serve as useful for making decoarations and wrapping presents. Pastels have been rather big all spring and summer, and I'm very much stuck on them for the autumn too - least when it comes to childrens party decorations. The light-heartedness and frivolity of pastels seem rather fitting to childrens parties I think.

Can anyone take a guess on what I may be making ? 

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