Wednesday, 18 July 2012

something new

A spontaneous trip to Expo, resulted in some pre-planned shopping in the form of new window plants, and  as befits a spontaneous trip, a spontaneous purchase of cushions for le boudoir. Lovely. Now if I didnt have a broken chest of drawers (it has one of those fold down bits on the front that fell off its hinges and hit Maia's ankle, typical!) then the bedroom would be looking rather spiffing I say. If you then look past the ironing that is waiting for me until the evening and the exercise bike. Plus a sewing machine - all temporaries. 

Sometimes I wish I had a fourth bedroom to make into a hobby room/junk room. Where it doesnt matter what it really looks like. Where the exercise bike and sewing machine can gossip idly under layers of fabric, lace and randoms not honored with a proper place, without the organised chaos infringing on the rest of the house. A proper laundry room too, where I have space for washing and drying and keeping clean washing until it is ironed is also on the wish list. Preferably, as we are now speaking in wishes, the room would be divided up. On one side, the laundry bit, and the others a dressing bit, filled with everyone's wardrobes. So that bedrooms stay clothes-clutter free and there isn't too much effort to put the fresh ironed stuff away. Keep on dreaming eh! Well perhaps this is something to keep an eye out for when looking for a house in a few years, or start designing our own dream abode...

I have actually been spending a rather large amount of time day dreaming about having our own house. Something that seems like the ideal in the throes of summer, when patio doors can be left open and the fresh air consume the house. I have an itch to bring in more natural materials here at home, a more rustic charm than the shabby chic that is becoming somewhat tiring and too flouncy. It would be so much more fun and rewarding designing and decorating our own space, being able to bring in what we want and have our own little oasis in the hectic-ness of life as a young family

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