Tuesday, 24 July 2012


I am rather excited, yes I am. Im a little stressed too, and have a hundred things to remember even though I have a list the size of an A4 piece of paper haha. God bless lists! .....Sometimes I have even made lists of lists - first time was when we flew to Sweden before moving here with Maia. Yes, I know, you dont need to say it ;)

For now, I've packed what I can. The plan is to have the car loaded and ready this evening, and leave sometime in the morning, we cant quite decide - between 4am and 8am is a reasonable time slot haha.You may have guessed we are going on a road trip. We've got ourselves a DVD player, conveniently with two screens, thanks to Maia's friend A lending us his. Bless him, he was very cute and even let Maia borrow one of his favourite films, the Lion King.  To say that Maia in in awe of having a tv in the car is an understatement.  Here's hoping it will go someway to making the lengthy trip somewhat easier!!

Well good folks, I am gonna enjoy the cuddles with Maia on the sofa whilst Lily sleeps and Mark sorts the car out. He's all bandaged up from a cut to his finger this morning doing the dishes and subsequently having to wake me up to take him to the doctors. But that, is another story. A tad dramatic though, just to get out of doing the flippin dishes - jeeezaz!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

one man's rubbish is another's treasure

A sneaky peeky at some of my favourite pre loved items in our house. Of course, the desk and the chest are very highly placed on this prestigious list,  but they have had their own posts and revelled in the glory here and here haha. Cant be favouritising the favourites - talk about opening a can of worms  ;) The most expensive gem is the kitchen light above the table, a whole 300kr, or £27.66 to be precise. Sweet! The rest range from mere 5kr for the mix-matched white flower pots ( 7p maybe??)  to 200kr and come from Returbutiken or random loppis around where live. Things like the big white mirror were free, as was the glass cake stand and the cooker and sink in Maia's room. I rescued those from the end of the drive of a house on the way to my parents as the kids there had out grown playing kitchen. I, or rather mother who was walking with me and had her purse, donated 100kr as it felt wrong to just grab and run.

I am off now to have a cuppa and chill before we head over to the parentals and celebrate daddy dearest's birthday and eat lots of scrummy cake. After two days of rest and cake I am going to have to work that bike hard tonight =D Hope you're all having a good a weekend as we are!

Saturday, 21 July 2012


Saturday =  weekend = chill out day? No, not at the Wilson's. Ha! Today was a day of  getting some things done.

First up, painting the black chairs white. Normally, they have lovely cream covers on them, but realistically, and practically, they are a sodding nightmare with babies and toddlers and therefore they had to go. By ''go'' I mean neatly folded away in a cupboard ready to be flashed when the mamma and the daddy decide to throw a dinner party. Here's to being posh haha.

 Also, we refurbed  a chest I bought for the girls about 3months ago for 200kr (under £20). The bottom was a bit blah and the wallpaper inside, though lovely, was tatty and old. Good thing Mr. Wilson is handy in a way that would shame Manny! Quick replace of the bottom, padding out the inside and then putting cool new material on the inside. Viola! A true Creation a la Wilson. There's a little teeny thing we need to purchase before this beauty will be allowed in the vicinity of children and be considered safe - such as a safety catch. Guess a trip to town in on the agenda for tomorrow then eh.

Friday, 20 July 2012

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decisions, decisions....

I'm starting to get a bit bored of my ''look''...am thinking that I need sorting out before I go back to work. Only problem is, I've done all the colours, and as always, I am very indecisive when it comes to my own hair. I wish someone would just plonk me down in my chair and sort it out. But Im also too chicken for that haha. Hmmm it will take some pondering but I am leaning to the darker and getting some hair extensions too, I want my long hair back like when it was copper/red!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Please excuse the mess...tryin to give the blog a face lift but not having much luck, thanks blogger (not)

something new

A spontaneous trip to Expo, resulted in some pre-planned shopping in the form of new window plants, and  as befits a spontaneous trip, a spontaneous purchase of cushions for le boudoir. Lovely. Now if I didnt have a broken chest of drawers (it has one of those fold down bits on the front that fell off its hinges and hit Maia's ankle, typical!) then the bedroom would be looking rather spiffing I say. If you then look past the ironing that is waiting for me until the evening and the exercise bike. Plus a sewing machine - all temporaries. 

Sometimes I wish I had a fourth bedroom to make into a hobby room/junk room. Where it doesnt matter what it really looks like. Where the exercise bike and sewing machine can gossip idly under layers of fabric, lace and randoms not honored with a proper place, without the organised chaos infringing on the rest of the house. A proper laundry room too, where I have space for washing and drying and keeping clean washing until it is ironed is also on the wish list. Preferably, as we are now speaking in wishes, the room would be divided up. On one side, the laundry bit, and the others a dressing bit, filled with everyone's wardrobes. So that bedrooms stay clothes-clutter free and there isn't too much effort to put the fresh ironed stuff away. Keep on dreaming eh! Well perhaps this is something to keep an eye out for when looking for a house in a few years, or start designing our own dream abode...

I have actually been spending a rather large amount of time day dreaming about having our own house. Something that seems like the ideal in the throes of summer, when patio doors can be left open and the fresh air consume the house. I have an itch to bring in more natural materials here at home, a more rustic charm than the shabby chic that is becoming somewhat tiring and too flouncy. It would be so much more fun and rewarding designing and decorating our own space, being able to bring in what we want and have our own little oasis in the hectic-ness of life as a young family

Monday, 16 July 2012

a new week

So here comes yet another monday, another new week and another countdown until the daddio is off for a couple of days. Yet this time it is different. The daddio is actually off for 3weeks! *jumpsupanddowninexcitement*

Me being the tyrant that I occasionally am (or so my husband would have you believe), have worked my poor man hard this weekend. He's had to put up candle shelves, wall lamps and bunting in the girls room and some mirrors in ours. I made him help me with the sewing machine.Those things and I do not get on! I thought if we borrowed one from the Wattses, that is from the 90's rather than the 50's, the machine and I would get on better. Alas, no, and I fear this sewing machine lark is more about the connection the thing has with its owner, Or anyone else but me. The things conspire and plot my downfall as we speak, and as proof I have a mangled yet still presentable cushion cover nestled in my sofa. The shame. I'm a planner, not a maker. I do things, not make them it seems...

I wasnt all horrid this weekend. Yesterday we went out to a little cafe by the Nydala Lake and had a lovely hour chilling out with the girls who were in good spirits (about the only time yesterday). Unfortunately, miss Maia is just like her mamma, and now has two huge, red, hard lumps on her thighs from mozzybites. We must be very tasty. Like their own personal brand of heroine haha. All joking aside, its a pain in the butt.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

project sew

Well, well, well! Finally, I have gotten everything to fall into place. It's taken me long enough, but I've found the material I wanted, managed to get hold of a sewing machine, and even roped Mark into doing sewing for me. He likes it, me..not so much. I would rather be cutting, pinning and planning. That suits me better, but if needs must I can turn my hand to the machine too ;) We only got as far as actually making ONE cover last night, before we decided that utilizing our child-free time would be much more to our advantage, ie sleeping.

Feeling lovely and refreshed after a good night undisturbed kip, the only exertion today has been the food shop. Since getting back we've been busy just being, and finally getting some lamps, bunting and shelves put up that have been waiting around for like forever. I could now chill out and enjoy this saturday curled up on the sofa with a film, or I could even carry on sewing. But nay, I am going to get on that bike and have a very sore butt by the morning =D

Friday, 13 July 2012

TGIF & Todays outfits

I do love a bargain, I do. Like these fab shorts- 99kr in the sale at Indiska, and the only thing to follow me home yesterday. If I hadnt have bought that silly exercise bike, then my arms would have been overloaded with gorgeous printed and jewelled dresses and tunics, scarves, wine glasses, cushions, throws and tablecloths. Indiska has it all in my eyes. Has.it.all.

Here's the kiddlets only moments ago, playing with the extra chairs brought up for dinner last night. It was the first time in a long time that both me and dear husband got to eat at the same time, without interruptions or someone wanting feeding too - we actually ate past bedtime hehe. Very pleasureable indeed! But  once that first glass of wine was consumed and I fell into a food coma, that was it. Snoozy head on and in bed just gone 9pm. Tonight we're having dinner at the parents and the mini Wilsons are staying over tonight so once they are in bed we're hot footing it back to ours and jumping into bed with a movie. Thank God Its Friday peeps!

Anyhoos, I am nippin off to the kitchen to see what healthy naughtiness I can come up with as we're having fika at ours today. Im thinkin raspberry muffins - surely that will count as part of my five a day?! ;) The weather is thoroughly wet, so I couldnt think of  better way to spend it than with lovely friends and muffins =)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

50 shades of PINK

When the heck did my house get so pink?!

mischief makers

Now that I have two daughters with a thing for being in the kitchen, I wonder how long it will take me to train them to do dinner? I will start easy, maybe a spagbol first? Here's hoping they take after their father with a love for cooking. Between us, me and the daddy can produce two super bakers-come-cooks to rival Nigella, Jamie and Delia, and sit back and reap the rewards mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Or, altertnatively, I can take the usual route, and hold onto them as long as possible. Let my kids be kids & allow them blossom and flourish to their own fantastic persons and hope they appreciate what we have given them. A bonus would be to see them get even more enjoyment from eachother as they grow up. My little mischief makers.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

mamma's little helper

The last 3 months there appears to have been a transformation with Maia. She's gone from toddler to little girls it feels. And she's a real mini-me, in the sense that she does, or wants, to do everything that I do. She's feeding Lily, hoovering, doing the dishes, laying the table, helping to cook food. Since her cousins have been and gone, she's helping to tidy up her toys which was a nightmare to get her to do otherwise. Result!

A favourite role play at the moment is making tea and sandwiches for us in her kitchen and serving it to us. Or, going for a walk around with baby in the pram, with her change bag hanging on the handle and shoppin underneath in the basket. Should poor baby lose its little hat, mormor needs to help mini mamma put hat back on baby and tuck baby in again. My heart melts. We can occupy ourselves when Lily is asleep with making bracelets and necklaces. Making and wearing her own designs is very fun, and the last week I have even allowed her to wear some necklaces she got for her christening and first christmas, and you should see her beam with pride parading around with a alspand (read halsband = necklace).
My little darling, how and when did you get so big? 

Friday, 6 July 2012

whinging and a prayer of the day

Dear lord, please give me strength to see me through the day
To deal with tanrums, tears and teeth in a loving motherly way
Give me the patience to shame a saint, because dear lord, thats one thing I aint
Lend me some energy and willingness to play, to enjoy each moment of this summers day

You know what the day will bring when you are woken up at 4.47am by whinging. Crying and upset it one thing, whinging another. At least in this household. The whinge at that time of the morning (or anytime) just means hell. Trials through out the day to wear out even the most resilient of minds lay ahead of me. Oh and hey, doesnt it just happen to be on a day where we are going out for picnic lunch at the lake with the Wattses? Of course it does. And, isnt mamma totally worn out too even though she went to bed before 9pm? Doesnt everything always happen at once? Yes of course it bleedin does haha.

That is what is going to make this day something to laugh about next week. As the icing on the cake there is no bread or milk to make sandwiches or tea for the outing, meaning I really should be ready NOW to go out to the shops first and head to mother dearest early to prepare the picnic and not just swing by and pick up Alex, Michelle and Frederik. But so far, only I am dressed and the swimming gear is at least packed.         I best get me skates on....

Thursday, 5 July 2012

my house, my home

This little beauty followed me home last week. I found it abandoned, sad and surrounded by ugly commercial desks circa mid 90's. My heart was bleeding- I had to save it! Thanks Returnbutiken for another fabulous find!

After much deliberation, I have decided against painting it white. First off, we already have white walls. The warmth from the wood is a welcomed break in the paleness and I think it may even lose a little of its charm taking it from its original state. Though saying that, with it being white it would give it another charm altogether, but until I am completely 110% sure, I aint doin' nuffin. Plus, we have a drinks cabinet that matches rather lovely with it and makes a mix-matched set. Genius huh.

Today's project is to sand and hopefully start painting our new pre loved dining chairs. Currently black legged and backed, with an oak seat, the plan is to paint what is black white to tie it it with our white dining table. I love pre loved!  I'm all for abit of individuality and character to your furniture and not leaving it to chance that you get a house with some. For me, my  house needs to be cosy, relaxed and an easy place to be with my nearest and dearest. Somewhere that fills me with inspiration and love. Thats what makes this house  my home.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

lemon tasting and burning skies

This past weekend was one for firsts.My first first in the list of first is that I willingly went out with an aim to go look at cars. Second first being the Wilson family sampling the delights of eating an evening meal out together all four of us. Thirdly first, as you may have guessed, Lily got her first taste for lemons. The pictures are rather misleading, as she actually really liked it haha. Bless her, she's a cracker for pulling faces that one!

Old American cars from the 1950's, lovingly restored to their former glory, dont quite have the same glory when you are sheltering under a shop awning from the rain and the normally big crowds of people gathering for the cruises are whittled down to almost nothing. But still, when you have had a nice meal with great company its still very much a successful evening even if the highlight wasnt as was hoped. There be always next year, and the year after, and then the year after that so I am sure I am going to be feeling the vibes and bopping along some point to the funky retro-ness that is.

pic borrowed from here

It was a good thing we had such a chilled weekend really, this week has been hectic. More visitors arriving in the shape of Michelle and Frederik, and tomorrow Nana heads back to the UK. So really, I ought to get myself to bed as I'm heading over to mothers early to see her off before she heads for the airport. I know I will kick myself for saying this, but I am somewhat looking forward to the evenings getting darker again - I find it ridiculously hard to go to bed at a sensible time when the sun shines all the time...lame as excuse I know. But hey, if I didnt stay up until the small hours savouring the light that is, I wouldnt be able to take photos like this: